スイス ヴォー州 (州都ローザンヌ), 卓越した研究開発とイノベーション, ビジネスセミナー & ネットワーキング


江藤 学教授

江藤学教授一橋大学イノベーション研究センター特任教授。大阪大学大学院基礎工学研究科修士課程修了。1985年通商産業省(現・経済産業省)入省。OECD日本政府代表部(在パリ)、 経済産業省認証課長、一橋大学イノベーション研究センター教授、ジェトロ・ジュネーブ事務局長を経て、2013年7月から現職。博士(工学)


Professor Hannes Bluelerスイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校 (EPFL) ロボットシステム研究所 教授。
スイス連邦工科大学チューリッヒ校(ETH)卒業後、同大学で助手、メカトロニクスで博士号を取得。 日立製作所機械研究所で研究エンジニア、東京工業大学(精密メカトロニクス)の招待研究員を経て、ETHで講師・シニアアシスタント。東芝「インテリジェントメカトロニクス」の議長、東京大学(生産技術研究所)の常任准教授。xitact 社モルジュ(ロボット手術計装&シミュレータ)の共同創設者。2006年スイス科学技術アカデミー (SATW)にノミネーション。1995年より現職。


Mr. François Stieger情報通信技術に関するエンジェル投資家。香港とスイスのS-Partnersの顧問団メンバー。ロンドンに拠点を置く大手ヨーロッパベンチャー投資会社のAmadeus Capital Partners社のパートナー、Intentional Software社国際チームのCEO、VeriSign社のヨーロッパ・中東・アフリカ(EMEA)の上級副社長を歴任。1996年、ブロードビジョンの欧州事業を設立。2001年半ばまでに、事業は、従業員400人以上に成長し、年間売上高100万ドル超、営業利益55万ドルを達成。1987~1992年には副社長として、さらに規模を拡大し、オラクル社の南ヨーロッパと中央ヨーロッパ事業の設立、経営に携わる。ストラスブール大学卒。現在は、数社で取締役を兼任、また、EPFLの情報通信学部の諮問委員も努めている。


Mr. Thierry Weber Vivactis 社 (ローザンヌ) のCEO & ライフサイエンス・コンサルタント (メドテック/バイオテック/診断)、Vaud BioMed協会会長。経験豊富なライフサイエンス分野のマーケティングエグゼクティブ。医薬品/メドテック/バイオテック分野に強力なネットワークをもつ。ライフサイエンス分野の新規ベンチャー(スタートアップ)に情熱をもつ。カスタマー向け中間管理職経験をもつ(医療マーケティング、医療事務/管理)。 ローザンヌ周辺のヘルスバレー開発のサポーター。



地域やカントンの投資理事会への接点作り / スイスでの最適立地の選択 / 法律と行政の要件の適合 / 研究機関や大学とのコラボレーション / 関連ビジネス分野のスイス企業とのパートナーシップ /滞在許可証と労働許可証取得の準備 /最適な企業構造の評価と、スイス税制を紹介



寺岡 正樹氏

スイス外国企業誘致局 主席担当官



上原 正樹氏

ものづくり・イノベーション推進課 課長

Y-PARC エスエー | Swiss テクノポール






スイス ヴォー州経済開発局


ジャン・フレデリック ベルトー氏

ヴォー州経済開発局  ディレクター



Mathias Paquier

ヴォー州経済局  プロジェクトディレクター

ジャン・ミッシェル クラーク氏

Lexartis Avocats法律事務所、税務専門家





Profile of speakers

Guest speakers
Professor Manabu Eto

江藤学教授Professor, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University. Graduate Degree, Engineering Science, Osaka University Graduate School. 1985 Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI). Delegation of Japan to the OECD (in Paris), Director, Conformity Assessment Division, Industry Science and Technology Policy and Environment Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industy (METI), Professor, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University, Director General,Geneva office, Japan external trade organization (JETRO), and incumbent. Ph.D. (Engineering)

Recent Research Themes: Technology Transfer, Management of Technology, Standardization

Professor Hannes Bleuler

Professor Hannes BluelerFull Professor at EPFL Lausanne (Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne) on micro–robotics, biomedical robotics (present). Graduate in Electrical Engineering, Teaching Assistant, Doctorate Student at ETH Zurich (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule). Research Engineer at Hitachi Ltd, Japan, Mechanical Engineering Research Laboratory, Invited researcher at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Precision Mechatronics), Lecturer and Senior Assistant at ETH, Toshiba Chair of "Intelligent Mechatronics" and then regular Associate Professor at The University of Tokyo (Institute of Industrial Science), Co-founder of xitact SA, Morges (robotic surgery instrumentation & simulators). Nomination as member of the Swiss Academy of Technical Sciences (SATW). Incumbent since 1995.

Mr. François Stieger

Mr. François Stieger François Stieger is an angel investor in Information and Communication Technologies. François is on the advisory board of S-Partners Ltd in Hong-Kong and Switzerland. He led Intentional Software's international group as CEO and was Senior Vice President and General Manager for Europe, Middle East and Africa for Verisign.
Prior to joining Verisign, Stieger was a partner of Amadeus Capital, a leading European venture capital firm, based in London. In 1996, Stieger established Broadvision's European operations. Under his management through mid 2001, these operations grew to more than 400 employees and over $100 million in annual revenue with $55 million in operating profit. On a larger scale from 1987-1992, as Vice President, Stieger established and managed operations of Oracle Corporation for Southern and Central Europe. He is a graduate of Strasbourg's Institute of Technology. Stieger serves on the boards of several companies and is on the advisory board of the EPFL Faculty of Informatics and Communication.

Dr. Thierry Weber

Mr. Thierry Weber CEO & life sciences consultant (medtech/biotech/diagnostics) of Vivactis SA (Lausanne) and President of Vaud BioMed Association. Experienced life science marketing executive, with strong network in the pharma/medtech/biotech fields. Passionate about new ventures (start-ups) in the life sciences sector. Used to work for customers in interim management roles (medical marketing and medical affairs/management). Supporter of the development of the Health Valley (Lausanne area, Switzerland).

Embassy of Switzerland in Japan

Switzerland Global Enterprise's Swiss Business Hubs open the door to Switzerland and its public authorities abroad. In close cooperation with various partners from the private sector and the network of the cantons' economic promotion boards, foreign companies are helped in the planning of the following activities: making contacts to regional and canton investment boards / finding the ideal location in Switzerland / meeting legal and administrative requirements / collaborating with research institutes and universities / establishing partnerships with Swiss companies in their business sector / organising work and residence permits / evaluating the best corporate structure and explaining the Swiss tax system.

H.E. Urs Bucher

Ambassador of Switzerland to Japan

Mr. Masaki Teraoka

Chief Representative,

Swiss Business Hub Japan, Investment Promotion, Embassy of Switzerland in Japan


OTA CITY Industrial Promotion Organization

Ota City, located in the southern part of Tokyo and home to Tokyo International Airport (Haneda Airport), is a manufacturing town in which are gathered approximately 4,000 small and medium-sized enterprises posessing world-class technologies and skills.

Mr. Masaki Uehara

Group Director,

Manufacturing & Inovation Promotion Group

Y-Parc SA | Swiss Technopole

Located in Yverdon, with an area of ​​over 50 hectares, Y-PARC – Swiss Technopole offers many opportunities for carrying out research & development as well as industrial production. More than 150 companies with about 1,200 employees have already been convinced by Y-PARC.  From start-ups through SMEs to multinationals, all have discovered an environment as well as solutions tailored to their needs. The diversity of their skills and activities — especially in information and communication technology, precision engineering, and medical technologies — offers a rich potential for synergies and innovation. The new partial land allocation plan (Plan Partiel d'affectation) offers opportunities for significant development, as Y-PARC could eventually accommodate more than 9,000 jobs.

Mr. Sandy Wetzel


Museum "Maison d'Ailleurs" (Yverdon-les-Bains)
Mr. Marc Atallah

Mr. Marc AttalahDirector

Economic Development Canton of Vaud - Switzerland
Your front door to invest in the canton of Vaud

The role of the Economic Development State of Vaud ("DEV") is to promote the economy, facilitate the establishment of new companies and to create jobs in the region. DEV is an association formed and financed by the Canton of Vaud and its members. It has been organized specifically to welcome and assist foreign companies in setting-up their activities in the region.

Mr. Jean-Frédéric Berthoud
Mr. Jean-Frédéric Berthoud

Director of Economic Development Canton of Vaud



Mathias Paquier
Mr.Mathias Paquier

Project Director, Office for Economic Affairs, Canton of Vaud


Mr. Jean-Michel Clerc
Mr. Jean-Michel Clerc

Tax expert, Lexartis Avocats